Saturday 31 December 2011

- P. Ramlee -

   07 DECEMBER 2011................

          Today in Bel 120's class, we learn how to expose our emotions. It's time to do some acting scene from the P. Ramlee movie's. I like all the P. Ramlee's movie. So, it's simple for me to do some research about his scene from the all movie. My group were choosen a scene from the title "Ahmad Albab"..This story are very interesting. My first expresion are i felt very nervous because we need to perform it in front of the class.

          Each group need to pick one scene from the movie that they choose. For example, group 1 choose the film "Pendekar Bujang Lapok"...Group 2, choose the "3 Abdul"..Group 3 were belong to me..Group 4, choose "Madu Tiga"...and the last is group 5. They choose the scene from the film "Seniman Bujang Lapok"..Mnay members from the other group are doing well. They are very talented. On this activity, we know more about our friend. Perhaps they can be actor and actress or not. On this situation, i can mentioned that. We need to translate the dialogue into english language. This activity, can make our speaking skill more improve. It also can make us be more confident.

           The best actor goes to Mohd Adib Azanni Bin Md Mokhtar from group 4..And the best actress, goes to Fadhilah Binti Mat Noor from group 1..Overall winner, goes to group 1 and this is their video :

- Nouns -

   05 DECEMBER 2011..............

          Begin the education we strongly associated with the 'Nouns'..

   This is are the part of speech :
  • Noun
  • Pronouns
  • Articles
  • Determiners
  • Verbs
  • Adverbs
  • Grammar Adjectives
  • Conjuction 
  •  Preposition
          Even in subjects Malay and English language we also learn about nouns, but it is not the same. It is because it still have the difference..For example, in Malay.....We understand it like this :
  1.  "Saya makan"
  2. "Saya telah makan"
  3. "Saya sedang makan"
    But, in English...We understand it like this :
    1. "Eat"
    2. "Ate"
    3. "Eaten"

      In Malay, the words "makan" didn't change..Only the words in front of it..But, in English....All the sentences will be change.

      What is 'Nouns'???...Noun is person, a place, a thing, an animal or a abstract idea.


    4. This is the pre-test of nouns....................................

Friday 30 December 2011

- Remaining Presentation -

   01 DECEMBER 2011.............

           Today's class, not to presure....this is because, today we only need to finish the rest of the presentation..It's for other students who have not performed..For who are done, we can answer the question that they gave to us..

            After all the student are finish present, Miss Zu bring us to the outside class to played a game...Just like other day, we play a 'Circle-Chat' again....But today's topic, are different...Not like the other day. First of all, we need to do the circle....First topic are, we should talk about football..."Urgggghhhhh...i really...really doesn't like this topic!!!!!!"....It is because, i didn't like football...We need to talk about Malaysia team..We repeat this topic twice...Because for 'gentleman' in my class...they really like football.

             But!...I really like the second topic...Miss Zu want us to share with our friend about cook!....I really like to cook...But, not all dish. I only like to bake a cake..When at home, and i have much time...I will bake a Chocolate Cake....Because i really like it!....

And the last topic, are about our favorite artist..I also like this topic because we can gossip...At that moment, i told that i really like Johnny Depp.


I like all the movies that he perform in a play.................................

                          The last but not least..................."Charlie And The Chocolate Factory"

                              We also talk about Maharaja Lawak....I like this entertainment!

- Our First Presentation -

   30 NOVEMBER 2011............

            About today's class.....Miss Zu want us to to tell the about our partner..My partner at that time was Nur Amanina Bt Mohd Zamri..I need to stand up infront of the class and tell all the student about my friend. We need to narrate them and tell four facts about our friend. First of all, i told my friend full name. After that, i tell all the things about her. Nina comes from Shah Alam and she was born on 31st August 1993. Nina third child of four siblings.Her father and her mother are self employee. Her favourite food are Nasi Lemak because it is very delicious.

            Before we can tell the facts about our friend, Miss Zu told us to include all the solutions about that facts. So then, i told to the class, four facts about her are she really...really like Twilight movie..The eyes of Nina said, that the vampire are very hot...She really like Edward Cullen..Same like me!...But, i also like Jacob in that movie. Second facts about her are she still single and available...This is really same like me...The third facts about her are her role model is her mother..It is because, her mother can do anything. For example, she can cook and she also can do other thing. The last facts about her are she really like mathematical subjects..For her, this subjects are very challenging.....After the expiration tell us about himself, i ask all the student in that class..."Can you guess the lie about Amanina?????".....And the rest can guess it...The lie about her are the last facts....She really doesn't like mathematical subjects!!!!....It's because, it was very...very...very challenging for her mind..

                 That's all.....For me, this activity are very interesting. Because, we can be more confident when we stand infrond of the class...After this activity, i'm not afraid anymore to stand before.

Wednesday 21 December 2011

The Last Class Before The Miss Zu Go Courses.....

 15 DECEMBER 2011.........

        About today's class.....Miss Zu show us some movie. The title of the movie are "127 HOURS". It's was directed by Danny Boyle.

       Miss Zu want us to judge this movie. So, i will give my opinion about this story in my own words.

                        This movie tell us about a mountain climber name Aron Ralston. Aron Ralston, like to travelled. So one day, he goes to climb a mountain. When he excited to go travel, he meet another two climber. They spare some times together.

                          After having a wonderful moments together, they went separated. He go on his own way. That day was on Saturday. Aron Ralston went to this cave. When he was excited want to explore that cave, Aron get a wrong complete movementof a foot and leg in stepping. So,he fallen downinto the hollow place follow with the huge stone. Suddenly, the huge stone crash on his hand. Aron Ralston cannot do many things because the rock fall into his right hand. Though that way, Aron still attempt to exonerate himself. But, he didn't achieve a desired aim and he stuck into that hole during six days. Many method that he try to do. He never give up and he still try to survive . Eventhoung, he don't have enough beverage and food. After having a stressed moment, Aron doesn'thave any option except this last manner. His final decision are to cutting his arms with very sharp fold knife. After struggle in that cave for a long time , finally Aron Ralston escape from that nightmare . His very thankful because he safe. He still continue his life, eventhough with maim hand.


Tuesday 20 December 2011

At the "Language And Cultural Carnival"

 14 DECEMBER 2011.......

 Today, Miss Zu want us to go to ELS or it's specific with English Language Society.
 ELS has organized Language and Cultural Carnival..

     Firstly, we need to go to the Speaker Corner. At that place, they actuate many activity that can give us knowing. They introduced us to the Arabic and Chinese culture. Arabic booth show us Arab cultures as Arab Countries, Arab Clothing, Arab Dance Culture also Food and Drink.

      Chinese booth, more to Chinese culture. For example, like the picture below....

           They were run activity that purpose is to promote 3 language. 3 main language that we have in Uitm is Arab, English and Chinese. Between activities is Body Painting, Student Literature and Story Book.

     The Story Book that they has are more to fairytale story. For example, 'Snow White', 'Beauty and The Beast', 'Pinocchio' and 'Children's Rhymes'..


               After that, we need to go to the SL or more known as Sri Laksamana. There is more to food only. Among 'Ais Krim Goreng', 'spaghetti', 'Chicken Kebab', 'Fried Macaroni', 'Sandwich' and the last but not least, 'Mushroom Soup and Garlic Bread'.

               This is the side..........

                                       That's all...................................................................