Saturday 31 December 2011

- Nouns -

   05 DECEMBER 2011..............

          Begin the education we strongly associated with the 'Nouns'..

   This is are the part of speech :
  • Noun
  • Pronouns
  • Articles
  • Determiners
  • Verbs
  • Adverbs
  • Grammar Adjectives
  • Conjuction 
  •  Preposition
          Even in subjects Malay and English language we also learn about nouns, but it is not the same. It is because it still have the difference..For example, in Malay.....We understand it like this :
  1.  "Saya makan"
  2. "Saya telah makan"
  3. "Saya sedang makan"
    But, in English...We understand it like this :
    1. "Eat"
    2. "Ate"
    3. "Eaten"

      In Malay, the words "makan" didn't change..Only the words in front of it..But, in English....All the sentences will be change.

      What is 'Nouns'???...Noun is person, a place, a thing, an animal or a abstract idea.


    4. This is the pre-test of nouns....................................

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