Sunday 12 February 2012

- Seven Group Presentation -

   08 FEBRUARY 2012..........

   Assalamualaikum w.b.t....About today's presentation, it was by Nur Afifah, Hayatul Saffiera, Siti Nur Baizura and Adib. Their grammar topic is about "Expressing Future Time "...They gave us some gme to play. I was happy because the game was very interesting. They has balloon. It was a fun game for me and i really like it!!!
   What is a future time???
In English, we can refer to a a future action or condition (also the future time) in four ways.

There are several ways of expressing future time in English.
Use of will / shall
Will / shall + the base form of the verb is used to make a predication of an event. 
You’ll be in the office by now.
It will rain in the morning.
Adverbials such as tomorrow, next week next month, next year can be used with will / shall

Use of Be + going to 
One of the ways to expresses future time is to use is / am / are + going to + the first form of the verb. It is used to express the intention or plan that will be fulfilled in the immediate future.
Ex. They are going to see a movie in the evening.

Use of the present Continuous tense and the simple present tense
The present continuous tense can be used to express future with reference to a definite plan, arrangement or programmed.
Ex. The company is holding a meeting on Sunday.

The simple present tense is used for future reference when we are talking about time tables, schedules etc.
Ex. The bus leaves Delhi at 6 pm.
The class starts at 8.30 pm.


Be Going to:
The future simple verb tense "going to" is used in the following situations:
     1. Planed events - When a future event that has been planed before the time of speaking.
§  I am going to Mexico in a few day.
§  We are not going to work next week.
§  They are going to University next year.

2. Predictions - To make a future prediction based on facts.
§  There is going to be a really big storm in a few hours.
§  The test next week is going to be really hard.
§  The puppies are cute. I am sure someone is going to adapt them.

3. Intentions - To state the something that is intended to take place in the future, in informal conversations.
§  I am going to be a rich person someday.
§  We are going to pass the test.
§  The pupies are going to make a big mess in house.

      TO BE + GOING TO + VERB 1

     1. The actions is unplanned at the time of speaking.
·         I will go to the store today.
·         We will clean your room this week.
·         I won’t do my homework today, I will do it tomorrow.

2. A action that is predicted
·         I think it will rain this afternoon.
·         I hope I will win the lottery.
·         I know my daughter will come home late.

3. To request something.
·         Will you come with me to the store?
·         You will do your homework now.
·         I will not work overtime today.

4. Definite plans in formal English
·         I will go to the store tomorrow.
·         Will you help me with my homework
             -    My sister will not go to England with us next week. 

   >> will is a unplanned event. (something that we can't see)
   >> going to is a planned event. (something that we can see)
Time expression
- tomorrow
- soon
- tonight
- next month
- next weekend
- shortly
- this evening

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