Tuesday 7 February 2012

- Practice Listening -

   18 JANUARY 2012.........

   Assalamualaikum w.b.t.....Even this class at the same day, but this is a night class. We do some practice for the Listening Test..It was good because we can be more ready for the test. Miss Zu also gave us some activity before the end of the class. She gave us number to pick and then, the rest member of the group will help the member that stand in front of the class to guess the thing that have at the slide. We has 5 group and 1 group contain 6 member. For my group, there are me, raihana, masfarah, kak mel, ayu and kak syu. The funny thing that are happen is fakhrul group. This is because he need to guess about the graveyard. Many people help him to guess it. His team member adib, mention a lot of ship..Miss Zu also said about expensive ship..But unfortunately. Fakhrul cannot think what it is..Because he didn't understand. So,he last answer is gravetitanic....graveship...graveyan...and other thing..It was really funny!
   Overall, this practice was very excellent. It is because, it can help us be more ready for the listening test on 25th January 2012...So,we also can guess and think for about the test.

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