Monday 16 January 2012

- Drama In Saying Goodbye -

   05 JANUARY 2012.........

     Assalamualaikum w.b.t..For information, there are many situations involve in saying goodbye..For example, like this few situations :

                        ~ A mother saying goodbye to her daughter on the first day of school..

                            ~ A man saying goodbye to his wife as he goes to fight in a war..

                          ~ A prisoner saying goodbye to his cellmate before he is released.. 

               ~ A president saying goodbye to another president after an important meeting..

                                 ~ A boy saying goodbye to a girl after they've just broken up..

                                ~ A friend saying goodbye to a friend before semester break..

   ~ A student saying goodbye to a lecturer when the class is ended at the end of semester..

   This is a few country, when they saying goodbye..
   - Italy ( Buona Sera ) 
   - France ( Au Revoir )
   - Thailand ( Sawadee )
   - China ( Selamat Jalan )
   - Malaysia ( Zai Jian )
   - Denmark ( Farvel )
   - Kenya ( Kwaheri )
   - Egypt ( M'asselema )
   - Myanmar ( Thwabaounme )
   - Poland ( Do Widzenia )

   So today, Miss Zu want us to perform in a play any other situation that involve in saying goodbye. My partner for this assignment was Ahmad Fakhrullah Bin Adli. First of all, we were just like.."Urghh!!!..what we wanna do tomorrow????!!!"....After we discuss for many time about the theme, finally we choose our topic about "Best Friend"..So, this is our story :
 >> Fakhrul and Mai at their homes, get the letters from UiTM to continue their study. After that, Fakhrul call Mai and talk about the offer to continue study. They get the same class like before. Fakhrul deal to see Mai at the class tomorrow.

>> Fakhrul and Mai was excited because they get a same class. They flashback their memories while with friends. They shared stories together.

>> Fakhrul want to meet Mai. They talked and eventually Fakhrul frank that he will follow his family for go to Australia. Fakhrul invites Mai to sent he to the airport.

>> Mai sent Fakhrul to the airport for the last time. Finally, they saying goodbye.

   For me, this assignment was very good. Because we can be more close with our partner. We also can be think creative to get the best situation for saying goodbye.

~ Me and Fakhrul ~

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