Sunday 8 January 2012

- Introduction 3 Paragraph -

   02 JANUARY 2012.......

          Assalamualaikum w.b.t.....Today, we learn about "The Introductory Paragraph"..There are several parts in the introductory paragraph, such as 'The Hook', 'The Transition', and 'The Thesis'...The Hook is designed to grab attention immediately and give some indication about the essay's topic. Other than that, is The Transition..It moves the reader from the hook to the driving force of the essay. Besides that, The Thesis..It makes the contract with the reader about what will be discussed without a blatant announcement..We also have a several types of hook. There are :

     - Personel Examples
     - Quotations
     - Facts or Statistics
     - Rhetorical Questions
     - Current Events
     - Contrast To The Thesis Statement
     - Definition 


 provides strong, dramatic incidents to use. honesty in expressing thoughts and feelings will ring true        with the reader. while you can make up the personel experience, be careful that it sounds credible "

Example 1 : 

Almost every night, she would go “clubbing“ at the nightspots in Jalan Bukit Bintang and Sultan Ismail, Kuala Lumpur's golden triangle, looking for fun and "extra cash". With her black skin-tight miniskirts with a revealing top, she easily draws attention from the males as soon as she walks into any of these nightspots. The 21 years-old girl, Amy comes from a state in the east coast of West Malaysia. She started as a sales promoter at a shopping centre in the city, but her monthly salary of RM800 is hardly enough for her to survive in KL. To make matters worse, she has to send home approximately RM200 a month for her parents and 5 siblings who are still schooling. It is hard for her since the burden of the family is at her hand. Her family is depending on her. Amy now lives in a dark situation where she is happy outside not in inside. There are factors that can cause someone to become a prostitute such as lack of attention from the parents, money problem and negative peers influence.


 " content of quote should be : dramatic, emotionally appealing, surprising, humorous..quote does not have to be from a famous person. it must be relevant to thesis statement "

Example 1 : 

" Vandalism comes naturally from our soul." These words come from a teenage boy and his friends who lax in drawing graffiti on the wall of a building. Teenage boys said that this work is a piece of art where they often did this to express their feelings or thoughts about certain things in our life. Furthermore, he said that they also draw the graffiti whenever they feel like doing it. This type of vandalism does not only involve teenagers but also adults.(Hook) However, these teens do not know that they have vandalized the image of the building as well as the environment.(Transition) Vandalism can be prevented if the governmet creates a law that severely restricts vandals in destroying the environment, giving motivational talk as well as giving punishment by doing community service.(Thesis Statement)



" must be startling or unusual.and it must be from a credible source. use journal as a place to record both quotes and facts or statistics that might work for an introduction :

Example 1 :

     Prior to the 1980's, predatory animals were rare sights in rural areas in Malaysia. Even in wilderness areas, bears, tigers, and other predatory animals were rarely being spotted. As far as this concern, people that were attacks with these kinds of animals are not always the friendly animals. Between 1989 and 1995 there have been 14 tigers attack peoples. In one attack, a rubber tapper was killed in his rubber farm near Negeri Sembilan. Attacks by bears and alligators are also increasing during this period of year. This statistics shows that there is an increasing of wild animal attacks. The reasons why these animal attacks peoples are because they are hungry, feel threatened and try to protect their young.


Example 1 :

Racism is one of the world's major issues today. Do you aware of how much racism still exists in our school, work forces, and anywhere social lives? Racism very much exists and it is about time that people need to start thinking about the solutions to this matter. Can we achieve One Malaysian's mission with this kind of mind set? Think about it. Many people believe that it depends on if a person was brought into the world as a racist or not but the case at all. In fact, an individual cannot be born a racist but only learn to become one as they grow from child to adulthood. Institutions, government, and anti racism group in Malaysia's past history are the possible solutions to racism.


 " must be recent. must be important. should be made public by newspapers, television, or radio "

Example 1 :

This morning’s newspaper reported a man who had shot his twenty-three-year-old girlfriend and her nine-month-old child because he believed his girlfriend had transmitted AIDS to him. In 1984, a nurse in Kokomo, Indiana, refused to go into thirteen-year old Ryan White’s hospital room because he had just been diagnosed with AIDS, and in 1987, a bullet shattered his home’s picture window, forcing Ryan and his family to move to Cicero, Indiana, a community twenty miles south. Though these incidents seem bizarre in civilized America, many people fear AIDS because of the consequences of the disease, the misinformation concerning the disease, and the increasing number of cases of the disease. 


 " in direct contrast to the thesis statement. its fun to prove an expert wrong "

Example 1 :

Since the middle 1940s, the female Cannabis sativa plant, commonly known as marijuana, has been classified by the United States government as a Schedule I drug. This classification recognizes marijuana as a dangerous narcotic, similar in potency to heroin and possessing no redeeming medicinal qualities. Research in the last few years, however, has brought many new discoveries in medicine relating to the possible uses of marijuana to treat many different illnesses, including glaucoma, cancer, and phantom limb pain suffered by

paraplegics and amputees.


Example 1 :

Haemorrhoids, or piles, are swollen and stretched-out veins which line the upper part of the anal canal and lower rectum. The first symptom is usually bleeding. If the haemorrhoids become larger and bleed during a bowel movement, they generally protrude through the anal canal and are visible as a lump. In this case, they are called ‘prolapsed’. External haemorrhoids is a condition in which a small blood vessel burst just under the surface of the skin at the opening of the anal canal. Regardless of type, haemorrhoids cause distress and embarrassment. They hurt, burn, itch, irritate the anal are, and often, bleed. To save ourselves from all this pain, it is good for us to know the factors which contribute to haemorrhoids and ways to avoid them.     


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