Tuesday 17 January 2012

- Night Class -

   10 JANUARY 2012..........

   Assalamualaikum w.b.t...This is a first time that we had night class. We need to do it at night because this is a replace class that we didn't have other day. I were very excited to goes this class because this is a first time. I really wanna try a class at night version. What can i say..." Night class was very awesome!! "...I really like it. Because at night we be more relaxed proportionate morning class.
   About today's lesson, we learn about some new chapter. It is call ' Subject-Verb Agreement '..

ÜPresent tense verbs in English should agree with the subject of the sentence
ÜSingular subjects use singular verbs
*Jack robs liquor stores (s on the verb)
ÜPlural subjects use plural verbs
*Bonnie and Clyde rob banks (no s on the verb)
ÜMost native speaker do this instinctively
ÜMore complex problems require you to learn a few rules

   Identify The Subject
ÜIgnore words that come between the subject and the verb
ÜReduce sentences to their simplest form
*A good set of skis costs / cost hundreds of dollars
*A good set of skis costs / cost hundreds of dollars
*A good set of skis costs  hundreds of dollars
*My boss, as well as her staff, leave / leaves early every Friday
*My boss, as well as her staff, leave / leaves early every Friday
*My boss, as well as her staff, leaves early every Friday

Compound Subjects Using 'and'
ÜMost compound subjects joined by and” are plural
*Bert and Ernie is / are special friends
*Bert and Ernie is / are special friends (plural verb)
ÜException: If the words joined by and” refer to a single thing, the subject is also singular
*War and Peace is a very thick book (singular)
*My friend and co-worker is waiting to see you (singular)

Compound Subjects Using 'or'
ÜWhen the subject is joined with or” or “nor” the verb agrees with the words closest to the verb
*Neither the instructor nor the students has / have any control over the number of 8 o’clock classes
*Neither the instructor nor the students has / have any control over the number of 8 o’clock classes (plural verb)
*Either two credit cards or a membership is / are needed before you can rent movies
*Either two credit cards or a membership is / are needed before you can rent movies (singular verb)
Note: While the above example is correct, it is usually better to place the plural word closer to the verb
*Either a membership or two credit cards are needed before you can rent movies (plural verb

Indefinite Pronouns
- is a singular
- for example :: 
  >> every, everyone, everybody, each, neither, none, one, no one

Collective Nouns
- is a singular
- for example ::
  >> jury, committee, herd

For singular......we need to put 's'
For plural......we don't put 's'

Words ending in 's'
- singular
>> money and measurement
     - always singular
       eg : km        
>> a number ( plural )
>> the number ( singular )

For neither / either
- the subject must be the closer to the answer
- even it is one....the answer must be singular

This is our exercise for subject-verb agreement..a lot of improvement :

This is 'before' we learn about it >>

This is 'after' we learn about it >>

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